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tamoadmin 2024-05-24 人已围观

简介1.英文介绍游泳,250字,200分!2.80字左右关于游泳的英语作文内容只要:游泳的好处,什么时候参加,3.锻炼身体的好处,方式,以及对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议 的英语作文,80词左右4.以My favorate sport为题写一篇英语作文,其中要提到为什么喜欢这个运动,50词Many experts believe that swimming is the ideal all-round



3.锻炼身体的好处,方式,以及对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议 的英语作文,80词左右

4.以My favorate sport为题写一篇英语作文,其中要提到为什么喜欢这个运动,50词


Many experts believe that swimming is the ideal all-round exercise. People of all ages and levels of fitness can take part. Swimming, especially the front crawl which requires steady, rhythmic movements, helps to develop aerobic fitness, suppleness, and muscular strength. If, however, you are swimming for fitness you will need to do three or four hard sessions a week. The water supports the body so there is little stress or impact on tendons, ligaments, and joints. This does not strengthen bones, but it does make swimming safer than land-based activities for those whose bones are weakened by osteoporosis. It also makes swimming especially suitable for those who suffer from knee or back problems, or who are slightly overweight. Swimming can also be helpful for people with asthma or bronchitis. Although swimmers are less injury-prone than those involved in high-impact sports which involve running or jumping, they can still suffer overuse injuries. Most injuries affect the shoulder (see swimmer's shoulder). They are usually caused by either poor technique or lack of muscle balance. Competitive swimmers are particularly prone to overuse injuries so they supplement their swimming with land-based training (especially weight training) to rectify muscle imbalances and strengthen muscles. Injuries can also be reduced by using a variety of strokes that develop different muscles of the body: the front crawl helps develop the arms and chest; backstroke develops flexibility of the shoulders; breast-stroke develops the upper arms, chest, thighs, and hips; and the butterfly develops the whole upper body. Although an excellent activity, swimming in cold water may not be a suitable part of a slimming programme because it can stimulate the deposition of fats under the skin to act as an insulating layer.


我喜欢游泳因为游泳可以锻炼身体英语翻译:I like swimming because it can exercise my body.


1、直译法----就是按照文字的字面意思直接翻译过来,例如汉语中的“纸老虎”直译成“paper tiger”,外国人看起来不但深明其义,而且觉得很是传神,所以现已成为正式的英美民族语言。另外,我们口中的“丢脸”也被直译为“lose face”,“走狗”译成为“running dog”、由于中国热而大为外国人欢迎的“功夫”音译成“kung fu”等也算是直译法的一种。


比方说汉语中有一句习语是“隔墙有耳“,英语中却有”walls have ears”,两句话字、义两合,无懈可击。我们说“火上加油”,英国人则说”to add fuel to the flame”,两者也完全一样。

3、意译法——有些习语无法直译,也无法找到同义的习语借用,则只好采用意译的方法来对待、例如汉语中的”落花流水”用来表示被打得大败之意,译成英文便是“to be shattered to pieces”。“乌烟瘴气“形容情形混乱不堪,可用“chaos”来表达。

4、省略法—汉语中有一种情况,就是习语中有的是对偶词不达意组,前后含意重复。偶到这种情况时可用省略法来处理,以免产生画蛇添足之感。例如“铜墙铁壁”可译成“wall of bronzl” 已经足够,实在无须说成”wall of copper and iron”、”街谈巷议“在意义上也是重复的,所以译成”street gossip”便可以了。


Swimming is a kind of acrobics(有氧运动),pepole can siwm indoor ,or open door.You can swim in sunmmer,also,you can swim in winner.

There are mainly five kinds of swimming ,breaststroke (蛙泳),crawl stroke (爬泳),back stroke (仰泳),side stroke (侧泳)and butterfly stroke (蝶泳).

Swimming is very good at pepole' health ,People who always swims will have a good vital capacity (肺活量),will have a sound muscular(肌肉),and will have a good mood.For the most importent ,swiming is a hobhy ,vildly accepped by all kinds of pepeple,whatever you are yong,or elder,whatever you are male,or female,this hobby make pepele together,and have the chance to do excise ,to enhance our health condition.But,there are sevral harmness for swimming,first of all ,nor-correctly posture can led the danger,even drown... what's more ,epidmic is a severvious problerm for us ,last ,but not the least importent,too much swimming will danmage pepole's helath ,such as muscular hurtted(肌肉拉伤).So we should do swiming in a corretly posture ,and do the pretection sport as much as posible.

Swimming is good at Will-be-mother(准妈妈),as to the report , the spontaneous labor rate will be hinger ,when Will-be-mother swim,compared with the

Will-be-mother who didn't,and,siwmming is a goog way for Will-be-mother to lose their fat.






锻炼身体的好处,方式,以及对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议 的英语作文,80词左右

Movement in the water, all organs are involved, more energy, blood circulation is facilitated in order to supply more nutrients organ movement. The acceleration of the blood will increase the load on the heart, to speed up the beat frequency, strong contraction. Regular swimmer, heart function is excellent. The heart rate is generally 70 - 80 beats / min, stroke volume is 60 - 80 ml. Heart rate and often swim up to people 50 - 55 beats / min, a lot of good swimmers, heart rate can reach 38 - 46 beats / min, stroke volume up to 90 - 120 ml. The role of the water when swimming easy to return blood to the heart of limbs, the heart rate.Swimming there will be significant long-term movement of the heart was increased, a strong contraction, increasing vascular wall thickness to increase flexibility, increase blood volume per stroke. Therefore, swimming can exercise a one strong heart.(本内容查字典原文地址: style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">以My favorate sport为题写一篇英语作文,其中要提到为什么喜欢这个运动,50词

Exercise can make physical strength, for example, often run can also keep healthy. Swimming can strengthen the immune system and reduce weight, playing basketball can let you become higher. There are many good exercise to the body, but not excessive exercise, so bad to the body. This is my school sports exercise for the opinions and Suggestions. First, I think the school should give students more exercise. Second, the school should hold some sports activities,. 翻译:锻炼身体可以使身体强壮,比如,经常跑步还可以保持身体健康。游泳可以增强抵抗力和减肥,打篮球可以让你变得更高。锻炼对身体有很多好处,但是不要过度锻炼,这样对身体不好。下面是我对学校开展体育锻炼的看法和建议。第一、我认为学校应该给学生更多的锻炼。第二、学校应该举办一些体育活动。

My favourite sport

My favourite sport is swimming.It is good for my body.I always swimming in summer. Swimming can make me cool and comfortable.There are many kind of swim.For example,freestyle, backstroke and so on.

I all do.I like swimming very much because I think swimming good sport.



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