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简介1.c罗是哪个国家的足球巨星 C罗,葡萄牙足球运动员,司职边锋可兼任中锋,那么我们一起来看看他的英文简介吧。下面是我给大家整理的c罗简介资料英文,供大家参阅! c罗简介资料英文1  Cristiano Ronaldo (February 5, 1985 -), nicknamed "C Lo", "little Ronaldo", the Portuguese, the World Play





 Cristiano Ronaldo (February 5, 1985 -), nicknamed "C Lo", "little Ronaldo", the Portuguese, the World Player of the European Golden Ball winner.

 1998年加盟里斯本竞技,2002年进入里斯本竞技一线队。 In 1998 joined Sporting Lisbon, Sporting Lisbon in 2002 into the first team. 2003年8月8日,以1224万英镑的身价从里斯本竞技转会曼联,在主教练弗格森的调教下,成长为世界足坛顶级球星。 August 8, 2003, to be worth ? 12,240,000 transfer from Sporting Lisbon Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson in the tuning, the growth of world football's top player.

 凭借出色的控球技术,眩目的过人技术和超强的带球能力,被曼联视为贝克汉姆的接班人,被葡萄牙视为费戈的接班人。 With excellent ball technique, dazzling extraordinary dribbling skills and powerful ability to be Manchester United as Beckham's successor as Luis Figo is Portugal's successor. 于2006年世界杯时扬名,其后除为曼联赢得多个主要锦标外,也获得不少个人奖项。 Famous 2006 World Cup, Manchester United won the subsequent addition to a number of major titles, but also received many personal awards.

 2008年,C罗带领曼联获得欧洲冠军杯和卫冕英超锦标。 2008, C Lo led the Manchester United defending the European Cup and Premier League title. 个人亦荣膺世界足球先生称号,并且包揽了欧洲金球奖,英超最佳射手、最佳球员等多项荣誉,成就大满贯。 Also was named World Player of the individual title and swept the Golden Globe Europe, Premiership top scorer, best player and many other honors, achievements Grand Slam.

 2009年6月,以8000万英镑从曼联转会皇家马德里,继卡卡后成为又一加盟弗洛伦蒂诺银河战舰的超级巨星。 June 2009 to 80 million pounds move to Real Madrid from Manchester United, following Florentino Kaka joined the Galaxy after a warship of another superstar. 个人身价亦超越齐达内,成为史上身价第一高的球员。 Personal worth is beyond Zidane, a player in the history of high net worth first. 2009年7月28日,C罗在与厄瓜多尔球队基多体育的友谊赛中攻入自己效力皇马的首粒进球。 July 28, 2009, C Luo team in Quito, Ecuador in friendly sports his Real Madrid's first goal scored. 亮相伯纳乌 Bernabeu debut

 西班牙当地时间2009年7月6日晚,以创纪录8000万英镑身价转会皇马的葡萄牙球星克里斯蒂亚诺-罗纳尔多正式在伯纳乌球场亮相。 Spain local time the evening of 6 July 2009 to a record 80 million pounds worth move to Real Madrid's Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo - officially unveiled at the Bernabeu stadium. 据西班牙埃菲通讯社统计,欢迎这名世界足球先生到来的现场球迷人数超过8万人,打破了当年马拉多纳从巴萨加盟那不勒斯时7.5万球迷来到亮相仪式的世界记录。 According to Spanish news agency Efe statistics, welcomed the arrival of the name World Footballer of the number of people live more than 8 million fans, breaking the year Maradona joined Napoli from Barcelona when 75,000 fans came to the unveiling of the world record.


?Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro,OIH,(born 5 February 1985),commonly known as Cristiano Ronaldo,is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish La Liga club Real Madrid and who serves as captain of the Portuguese national team.

 Ronaldo became the most expensive footballer in history after moving from Manchester United to Real Madrid in a transfer worth ?80 million (?93.9 million/$131.6 million).In addition,his contract with Real Madrid,in which he is paid ?12 million per year,makes him one of the highest-paid footballers in the world, and his buyout clause is valued at ?1 billion as per his contract.

 Ronaldo began his career as a youth player for Andorinha,where he played for two years,before moving to C.D.Nacional.In 1997,he made a move to Portuguese giants Sporting Clube de Portugal.Ronaldo caught the attention of Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson,who signed him for ?12.24 million (?15 million) in 2003.The following season,Ronaldo won his first club honour,the FA Cup.

 Ronaldo was the first player to win all four main PFA and FWA awards,doing so in 2007.In 2008,Ronaldo won the Ballon d'Or.[6] He placed second in the Ballon d'Or in 2007,2009,2011 and 2012.He was awarded the European Golden Shoe in both 2008 and 2011.In 2008,he won three of the four main PFA and FWA trophies and was named the FIFPro Player of the Year,World Soccer Player of the Year,Onze d'Or,and the FIFA World Player of the Year.In 2007 and 2008,Ronaldo was named FWA Footballer of the Year.Ronaldo was the inaugural winner of the FIFA Pusk?s Award in 2009.

 Ronaldo is considered one of the best footballers in the world.He holds numerous former and current scoring records,including records for most goals scored in a season for Real Madrid,most goals scored per minute in La Liga,first top European league player to reach 40 goals in a single season in two consecutive years,fastest Real Madrid player to reach one hundred league goals,and the first player ever to score against every team in a single season in La Liga.In January 2013,Cristiano Ronaldo scored his 300th club goal.

 Ronaldo is a Portuguese international and made his debut against Kazakhstan in August 2003.He has since participated in five major tournaments; UEFA Euro 2004,the 2006 FIFA World Cup,UEFA Euro 2008,the 2010 FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro 2012.He scored his first international goal in the opening game of the Euro 2004 against Greece,in addition to helping Portugal reach the final.He took over the captaincy of the side in July 2008 and went on to captain Portugal to the semi-finals at the Euro 2012 and finished the competition as the joint best scorer with three goals.On 16 October 2012,Ronaldo won his 100th cap against Northern Ireland,making him the third highest capped player for Portugal and became the third youngest European to reach a century of international appearances.


中文名: 克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多

外文名: Cristiano Ronaldo

别名: C罗、小小罗

国籍: 葡萄牙

出生地: 丰沙尔

出生日期: 1985年2月5日

身高: 185cm

体重: 78kg

运动项目: 足球

主要奖项: 2008国际足联世界足球先生

主要奖项: 2008欧洲金球奖


重要事件: 2003年转会加盟曼彻斯特联队


现俱乐部: 皇家马德里

俱乐部球衣号: 9号

国家队球衣号: 7号

位置: 左右边前卫、左右边锋、中锋

女友: 伊莉娜

克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多(1985年2月5日—),昵称“C罗”、“小小罗”,葡萄牙人,世界足球先生和欧洲金球奖获得者。 1998年加盟里斯本竞技,2002年进入里斯本竞技一线队。2003年8月8日,以1224万英镑的身价从里斯本竞技转会曼联,在主教练弗格森的调教下,成长为世界足坛顶级球星。C罗亲吻金靴凭借出色的控球技术, 眩目的过人技术和超强的带球能力,被曼联视为贝克汉姆的接班人,被葡萄牙视为费戈的接班人。于2006年世界杯时扬名,其后除为曼联赢得多个主要锦标外,也获得不少个人奖项。 2008年,C罗带领曼联获得欧洲冠军杯和卫冕英超锦标。个人亦荣膺世界足球先生称号,并且包揽了欧洲金球奖,英超最佳射手、最佳球员等多项荣誉,成就大满贯。 2009年6月,以8000万英镑从曼联转会皇家马德里,继卡卡后成为又一加盟弗洛伦蒂诺银河战舰的超级巨星。个人身价亦超越齐达内,成为史上身价第一高的球员。2009年7月28日,C罗在与厄瓜多尔球队基多体育的友谊赛中攻入自己效力皇马的首粒进球。C罗小档案

儿时绰号:克鲁伊维特(当时荷兰的克鲁伊维特名声鹊起)克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多儿时的偶像:迭戈·马拉多纳 现在的偶像:罗纳尔多、亨利 最想遇到的名人:迈克·泰森 喜欢的城市:马德拉群岛首府丰沙尔 最喜欢的音乐:舞曲 最喜欢的饮料:一种叫桑塔尔的果汁 最喜欢的食物: "Bacalhau a Braz"(一种葡萄牙食品,主料是鳕鱼,辅以土豆和炒鸡蛋) 最喜欢的颜色:白色和红色 最喜欢的**:第六感 最喜欢的节目: 《谁想成为百万富翁》(《开心词典》的原型) 最喜欢的男影星:让·克劳德·范达默 最喜欢的女影星:安吉拉·朱莉 最喜欢的歌星:瑞奇·马丁和詹妮弗·洛佩兹 最喜欢的“查理天使”:德鲁·巴里摩尔 梦想中的汽车:波尔舍4、 阿斯顿·马丁, 还有法拉利 最无法容忍的错误:背叛 赛前的习惯:在脖子上戴个十字架,每次比赛前都吻它三次。 闲暇时间:和朋友看**、散步,有时就一个人呆在家里。 最近买的CD:里奇·马丁的《LAS ALMAS DEL SILENCIO舞动心灵》 出版的自传: 《Moments》(共176页)














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